Although your financial adviser will normally manage what happens in your Accounts for you, it is important that you can see for yourself that things are going according to plan.
That is why we give you secure online access to view your Personal Pension, ISA or General Investment Account whenever you want.
If you are the Registered Contact for a child with a Junior ISA, you will be able to view their Account too.
There are two levels of access, and your adviser will agree with you what level of access you want or need. Our online Account view allows you to see where your money is invested and how the Account is performing, and our self-service view means you can control more of what happens in your Account and make trades yourself.
The Scottish Widows Platform is a truly digital offering. Whatever level of access you have, we communicate by email and provide all your documentation electronically in your personal Literature Library.
If you have a Third Party Investment Account, your pension provider can also see the Account as the owner of the assets they hold on your behalf.