Instructions for bulk valuations – Intelliflo

We have been working with intelliflo to develop a process to ensure your valuations service is reinstated at the point of the move to the Scottish Widows Platform.

There are steps for you, the back office provider, and ourselves to take for this to happen. To be ready to utilise the valuations service the Scottish Widows Platform has with intelliflo office the following actions must be completed:

Number 1
Number 1 mobile

You will need to download the Scottish Widows Platform Bulk Valuations app from the intelliflo App store. This video explains how to download the App. During the installation process of the App there is a ‘register’ step which must be completed. This will send a message to our Platform Servicing Team and trigger the actions we need to take to set up your data feed. The technical contact will be the person within your firm that will receive the policy information from Scottish Widows.

At the time your clients are moved to the Scottish Widows Platform we will provide you with a list of all plan numbers. These will be the new Scottish Widows Platform plan number, Scottish Widows provider name and their corresponding IOB number. This file will be in a format that is compatible with the uploader tool that intelliflo make available to you to.

Please note, the file will only contain the information relating to all the client accounts that are recorded within intelliflo office. If you have clients accounts on Advance by Embark Platform that you have not recorded within intelliflo office these will not be included.

Number 2
Number 2 mobile

Using the list of policies provided and the intelliflo uploader tool, you will be able to amend all policy records held within intelliflo office. This video explains how to complete this.

Number 3
Number 3 mobile

If you are already a firm registered on and using the Scottish Widows Platform and have the iO Valuations app in place please send the following details to the mailbox;

  • Firm name
  • Firm FCA number
  • Contact details for your technical contact
  • iO Tenant ID

At the point of migration, we can then send the designated contact details of your existing clients on the Advance Platform, together with a file of their old and new Account numbers.