Build your own model portfolios

Our extensive investment range helps you build powerful model portfolios that are suitable for a broad range of client needs. Whether your clients are accumulating wealth or withdrawing income with a focus on making their wealth last longer, we have a solution to suit their needs.

Our sophisticated investment functionality enables you to create, store and manage your model portfolios easily and efficiently, allowing you to focus on deepening your client relationships.

Diverse investment options

Diverse investment solutions
  • A wide choice of diverse investment solutions giving you the flexibility you need to fulfil your clients’ investment strategies.
  • Over 6,900 mutual funds from over 280 fund managers, and around 3,000 exchange-traded assets, including listed securities and investment trusts.
  • Move client funds easily between model portfolios and other investments without the need to open and close accounts or secure a wet client signature.

Connect with expertise

Connect with expertise
  • We undertake rigorous assessment of funds available on our Platform to give you and your clients confidence they are fit for purpose and provide value for money.
  • We offer free and impartial investment research through The Adviser Centre, including select fund lists, sector perspectives, market reviews and more. This helps you make informed fund choices for your clients.

Better customer outcomes

Better customer outcomes
  • Create compelling, transparent, customised client reports to support engaging client conversations.
  • Real-time data lets you analyse your client portfolios and enables you to make informed investment decisions.
  • Easily adjust your clients’ investment or income strategy to suit their changing needs, without the requirement for paperwork or obtaining signatures.

Streamlined portfolio management

Streamlined portfolio management
  • Easily create model portfolios by uploading data, removing the need to re-key information, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Set up automatic rebalancing by frequency, tolerance or both, or choose to rebalance on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Our investment functionality lets you build portfolios smoothly, with full reporting to easily manage your models.

Power your investment proposition with our award-winning platform

With us, you are in control of your clients’ investments. Our technology offers:

  • A seamless experience, ensuring ease of use and efficiency in managing your investments and reporting.
  • Our secure, powerful platform connects smoothly into your existing back-office systems.
  • We’re fully digital and offer over 50 straight through processes to drive maximum efficiency.
  • We offer tools from EVPro* and FE FundCentre, alongside our integrated Capital Gains Tool, to help you scenario plan and access comprehensive insights effortlessly.

* Please talk to your Business Development Manager about accessing EVPro.

2023 FT Adviser 5 star winner award logo
2023 FT Adviser Readers choice award Winner logo
Moneyfacts Awards 2023 Winner Best Personal Pensions Provider logo
2023 Wealthtech 100 award logo
Defaqto 5 star adviser platform 2024 rating award image

Connect with investment expertise

We offer access to The Adviser Centre, well known investment specialists who provide in-depth research and assist advisers in developing and maintaining their investment propositions by offering:

  • Free and impartial investment research.
  • Select fund lists, sector perspectives, market reviews and more.
  • Expert insight helping to explain and contextualise funds, supporting advisers to make informed choices for their clients.
  • Enjoy expert insight, the latest market updates and economic views from industry experts to help you stay informed of what’s topical in the market
  • Investment Matters, our quarterly newsletter discusses changes in the political and economic backdrop and an overall market review.
Partner with us
We’d love to work with you and help you deliver great value and outcomes for your clients. Get started by partnering with us.
Investment solutions built for you
Find out about our ready-to-use range of discretionary managed model portfolios and our multi-asset solutions.