Risk Profile Mapping

Our aim is to offer you the tools needed
to fit with your business processes

Our aim is to offer you the tools needed to fit with your business processes

The Scottish Widows Horizon Multi-Asset Fund range is managed in line with EV’s risk profiles. However, we also work with other third party providers to map our Funds to other popular attitude to risk profiles to help you choose the right solution for your clients’ needs.

Below you will find how our Funds map to EV, Distribution Technology, FinaMetrica, and Defaqto risk profiling scales.

Fund EV1 Distribution
Growth Assets
Best fit risk comfort zone
Risk Rating
Scottish Widows Horizon Multi-Asset Fund I 1 4 35% 32-48 3
Scottish Widows Horizon Multi-Asset Fund II 2 4 43% 49-54 4
Scottish Widows Horizon Multi-Asset Fund III 3 5 54% 55-62 5
Scottish Widows Horizon Multi-Asset Fund IV 4 6 71% 63-76 6
Scottish Widows Horizon Multi-Asset Fund V 5 7 95% 77-100 8

1 EV’s 5-point scale as at 31/09/2024.

2 Distribution Technology as at Q4 2024.

3 © FinaMetrica Pty Ltd. Risk tolerance scores were mapped to the funds’ strategic asset allocations as at 30/09/2024. The mappings are only for use by financial advisers licensed to use FinaMetrica’s risk profiling system and do not constitute financial advice. Financial advisers must satisfy themselves that the funds’ current asset allocations reflect the risk/return expectations of the funds when mapped. Scottish Widows pays FinaMetrica for the mappings in the table. However, these mappings are calculated independently by FinaMetrica.

4 Defaqto is a financial information business. Data as at 05/12/2024.

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Multi-asset solutions

Find out more about our diverse range of multi-asset solutions available on the Scottish Widows Platform that provide flexibility to meet a variety of clients’ investment objectives.