Support Hub

Welcome to our Adviser Support Hub, a central resource for help and guidance on the Scottish Widows Platform.

Designed to help you get familiar with our platform so you can work more efficiently and focus on helping your clients reach their financial goals.

Tax year end  |  Register and set up  |  New business  |  Managing clients and reviews  |  Managing contributions and allowances  |  Managing investments  |  Managing income and withdrawals  |  Inheritance, beneficiaries and bereavements  |  FAQs



Countdown to TYE
All the necessary information you need to support your clients effectively.
Automated Bed and ISA
How to use our automated Bed & ISA functionality.
Tax year end insight
Find additional insights and guidance on our Countdown to Tax Year End page.


Managing user access
Read our security user guide to find out how to manage access.
How to register
Ready to start using the platform? Complete the following form.
Unipass login
Learn how to log into the platform using Unipass Identity.
How to book a demo
Not yet part of Scottish Widows Platform? Learn more and get started today.
Back-office integrations
Find out what back-office systems our platform integrates with.


Suitability wording
Use our recommendation tool to produce client suitability paragraphs.
Submitting new business
Read our step-by-step guide to submitting platform new business.
Platform overview video
Watch our platform overview video for how to place new business.
Creating a new client
The steps to creating a new client for trusts & company accounts.
Creating an illustration
View our guide on how to create a new pension illustration.
ATEB Suitability tool
Our platform integrates with ATEB Suitability. Find out how to set this up.
ATEB Suitability report
How to produce a report with ATEB Suitability.


Managing your clients
Find out how to manage your clients’ accounts.
Client management video
Watch a video explaining how to manage clients on the platform.
Adviser dashboard
Read our step-by-step guide to the adviser dashboard.
Cash interest rates
Within each account we offer a cash facility. Learn more about our interest rates.
Tax certificates
View our guide to consolidated tax certificates (CTCs).
Client report
Platform reporting you can use to support your client reviews.
Producing a client report
Our guide demonstrates how to access and run a client report.
Firm reports
Read about the platform reports available to help manage your business.


Move cash between GIA and ISA
Learn how to move money between a GIA and ISA.
Automated Bed
and ISA
How to use our automated Bed & ISA functionality.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) tool
View our guide on how to use the platform CGT tool.


FE Fund Centre
View our step-by-step guide to using the FE Fund Centre.
Fund trading
Read our guide to on how to do platform fund trading.
Model portfolios
Our step-by-step guide to model portfolios.
Morningstar model portfolios
Read our guide to Morningstar model portfolios.


Arranging pension benefits
Find out how to arrange pension benefits for your clients.


Bereavement process
Learn more about our bereavement process.
Nomination form
Nomination of beneficiaries form for your client.

Additional resources

Discover the latest enhancements and upgrades to our platform, based on your valuable feedback.
Visit our space dedicated to paraplanner perspectives on the business of advising.
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Sign up for the latest updates on our platform and integrations, insights and industry news.

Common questions

Got questions? Find quick answers here! Navigate through our common questions to resolve queries you may have.

When you log in using your security user access, you will be given two options:

  • Add new user allows you to add a new user. When you select this action tile, you will then be asked if you would like to add a new adviser type user or non-adviser type user.
  • Edit User allows you to edit an existing user (this includes unlocking a user’s account) When you select this action tile, you will be asked for details to search for the user you wish to edit.

Step by step instructions to manage users can be found in our Security User Guide.

If you have been sent user credentials previously and you have not logged in, you can click the ‘Forgot my password’ link to reset your password. Alternatively, your super user can set you up.

Clients must be a UK resident, 18 years or older, hold a sterling denominated bank account and have a valid email address to open one of our Accounts.

Please note a Junior ISA and Junior Personal Pension can be opened by a parent or guardian for a child under 18.

You can choose to have remuneration paid Monthly, Annually or Quarterly.

If you choose monthly payment, please be aware that when your chosen date lands on a weekend or a bank holiday, the payment does not occur. Instead, the payment defers until the next month that your chosen payment date lands on a working day. For example, 25 December is a non-working day, so your payment will be made on 25 January.

You have the following options to avoid being impacted by this:

  • Use the option to request payment from the platform.
  • Amend payment frequency to weekly.

You can view remuneration statements in the user interface, our firm report guide shows you how to access them.

In some occasions when a client inherits or transfers assets onto the Scottish Widows Platform, we place those newly inherited or transferred assets in a separate account. This can happen in the following situations:

  • Beneficiary drawdown (dependent, nominee or successor)
  • Pension credit (qualifying or disqualifying)
  • Scheme specific protected tax-free cash.

In some cases, the reason for ringfencing the benefits is based on pension regulations (e.g. non-taxable death benefits), but in others, we ringfence benefits for administrative or platform functionality reasons. Please note in all cases, we allow the separate portfolios to be linked to ensure the client pays the correct (lower) platform-based charge.

To help reduce the time it takes to transfer, we offer an electronic process for SIPP re-registrations.

This means we will be able to transfer assets using the Origo system, to providers who are also configured to support electronic SIPP re-registrations, reducing the time it takes to transfer. There is a manual process for any providers that do not accept electronic transfers, however, where Fund Managers are set up to re-register electronically, assets will be moved this way.
The transfer authority form is not required for SIPP Re-registrations when transferring to a provider that also accepts electronic transfers.

To get updates online visit the Client Management section of the platform and then select View all Client Transactions. You can then select Cash transfers / Re-registration, where you will then be able to search for updates.

The Scottish Widows Platform has a low initial contribution level of £50 for the Personal Pension, ISA, JISA and GIA, and a range of flexible contribution frequencies. If you are transferring funds into a TPIA, a minimum payment of £5,000 applies.

In response to the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR), we’ve added functionality to show if a fund has a sustainability label and/or a consumer facing disclosure report.

There are four sustainability labels (Focus, Impact, Improvers, Mixed Goals) that if applicable will be displayed on our investment selector screens.

The consumer-facing disclosure reports will be presented in the same way we display KIIDs and Fund Factsheets These will also be displayed on our investment selector screens and where we display holdings.

We will also display a label containing a warning to investors where an instrument is not subject to UK sustainable investment labelling and disclosure requirements.

Regular withdrawals and regular pensions income can be set up monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

The client can select any day of the month between 1st and 28th for the regular withdrawal payment to be deducted from their account, with the payment being received in the client’s bank account on the same day.

Where the withdrawal or payment date fall on the weekend or a bank holiday, payments will be made the previous working day.

Regular withdrawals and pension income payments are paid from cash inside the product and there must be enough cash for the withdrawal to be paid. To facilitate this, you can set up an income payment strategy for the client and target specific funds for the withdrawal.

Scottish Widows Platform prefunds (using our capital in lieu of client cleared cash) in the following circumstances:

Pension relief at source (PRAS): we will automatically add the appropriate PRAS amount, to a client’s platform account pension contribution. We will then claim the PRAS amount back from the HMRC.

Fund switches: if a client sells asset A and buys asset B, we will pre-fund this so that the buy can proceed when we have confirmation of settlement amount and date.


Platform overview

Client management

Platform tools

Want to know about our useful tools? Learn more.

Client guides

Looking for guides to help your clients? Visit here.